The Winter Solstice is traditionally celebrated at Stonehenge with a motley collection of vehicles accomodating the visitors. Amongst those this year was former Blackpool City Pacer 550 as shown in these photos:
Flickr E550GFR and Flickr E550GFR
Traveller Homes
550 ran from September 1987 to October 1995 and after a few months with JP of Middleton became a mobile home in 1996 and has returned to the road after some time untaxed.
Thanks to Shaun and Mark for the links.
Flickr E550GFR and Flickr E550GFR
Traveller Homes
550 ran from September 1987 to October 1995 and after a few months with JP of Middleton became a mobile home in 1996 and has returned to the road after some time untaxed.
Thanks to Shaun and Mark for the links.